Monday, July 15, 2013



Since I’m in the habit today of using my experience to simplify what appear to be very complex situations (See today’s post on the Madigan/Metra situation, WE ARE SHOCKED…SHOCKED!...TO LEARN OF POLITICAL INFLUENCE AT METRA.), let me turn my enthusiasm for non-complication to the situation in Egypt.

What has happened in the Land of the Pharaohs (both ancient and modern, it seems) is that the “youth” who were so generously lauded by Western intelligentsia, media, and governments for being so enthusiastic about “democracy” got what they wanted…reasonably free and fair elections, which is what passes for “democracy” in the eyes of the vacuous Western intelligentsia, media, and governments.  However, these professional enthusiasts for “democracy” did not like the outcome of those elections, i.e.,  the perhaps incompetent, and maybe heinous, government of Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood cohorts, who won not only because they were the best organized group in the elections but also because, mirabile dictu, they got the most votes.  Rather than wait for the “democracy” for which they so yearned and pined to play itself out and present an opportunity to replace Mr. Morsi at the ballot box, the sterling young “democrats” behind the “Arab Spring’s” Egyptian manifestation colluded with the military to do what the Egyptian military does best:  overthrow the government in what can only be described as a military coup.

Such is the outcome when Westerners decide to bring our particular form of enlightenment to populations that, with the exception of a handful of overeducated malcontents with too much time on their hands and too little experience to know better, never asked to be favored by being forced, more or less, to do things our way.

For more background, see, among many others, my 6/28/13 post, EGYPT AND MR. MASLOW, my 1/29/13 post EGYPT:  MEET THE NEW BOSS, SAME AS THE OLD BOSS?, and the posts to which they will refer you.

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