Friday, September 6, 2013



President Obama a few days ago was promising that his intentions for Syria were limited to a pinpoint attack, designed to punish Bashar Assad for using chemical weapons on his own people.  He and his minions initially assured us that the attack would feature Tomahawk cruise missiles and the like, weapons that enable us to keep our guys out of harm’s way, to the extent such a thing is possible once combat starts.  (See my 9/2/13 post, OBAMA’S EXCELLENT SYRIAN ADVENTURE: THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER GETS BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM HIS ENEMIES? for only my latest, until now, comments on Syria.)

But now talk turns to the use of manned bombers, perhaps B-1s stationed in the Gulf, B-2s stationed in Missouri, or B-52s stationed in a variety of locations.   The use of B-2s is especially troubling; they are stealth bombers designed not to stand off and fire cruise missiles and the like from afar, like B-52s and B-1s, but, rather, to use their stealthy features to fly right over the target and deliver smart bombs.   So using B-2s means having actual live Air Force personnel penetrating the airspace of Syria, which has among the best anti-aircraft defenses in the world, defenses so formidable that the Israeli Air Force fears to figuratively tread there.

Perhaps this talk of expanding beyond Tomahawks and graduating to weapons systems that put Americans in harm’s way is designed to mollify the likes of Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham who are, as is their wont, hell-bent on getting us deeply immersed in another centuries old, irresolvable, Middle Eastern secular conflict.  And what better way to get a reluctant American public on board for all out war in a place in which we have few vital interests and no chance of coming out on top than the death of a few American soldiers and airmen?  Is this too cynical and conspiratorial?   Does it take too dark a view of the War Party and its most fervent members?   Probably not.   But I digress.

The major lesson to take away from this talk of manned bombers over Syria is that this conflict, which the President promised not to escalate, is escalating even before it starts.   The broader lesson is to never, ever trust a politician, especially when he is preparing to send your kids and your money to war.  In fact, it would be wise to check your driver’s license should a politician tell you your name.

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